Engaged Employer - The Brown Hotel

Every component of a participant's program counts towards the overall experience they have - from their sponsor, to their housing, to their employer. We appreciate, as do our participants, the employers that go above and beyond to welcome the participants into their workplace and help them achieve the cultural goals of the J1 program.

The Brown Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky is one of our employers who exemplifies an engaged employer as they always provide a warm welcome to their new participants, have a high participant approval rating, and maintain a great partnership with WWCE. The Brown Hotel always provides airport pick-up, escorts the participants to their new apartment to get their keys, and takes them shopping at Target for essential items. In addition, over the course of the program, they provide cultural opportunities for their participants. 

"I love to work with our chefs because I am learning a lot."

- Sarah Jane Gamo, Culinary

"I love how my host company lets me help them and learn everything at the hotel. I love how my supervisor pushes me to do things that I can't do."

- Inna Nastasha Rose Ensenado, Food and Beverage

Marc Salmon, Director of Human Resources, shared with us the benefits of the program, for both the hotel, the staff, and the participants. 

Why did The Brown Hotel choose to have a J1 program, and how has it been beneficial to the hotel? Not unlike many luxury hotels we were struggling to find quality staff in many key positions including Room Service, Dining Room Support Staff, Banquet Server and Culinary. We discovered that the J1 program was an amazing way to bring both talent and diversity to our property.

How has the J1 program had a positive impact on the local staff? Our local staff immediately took our J1’s under their wing and were so eager to show off our city and make our J1’s feel welcome.

How do you see the participants grow over the course of the program? One of the most rewarding parts of this program has been for our Managers to see our J1’s grow from those scared souls we picked up at the airport into confident leaders who will have outstanding careers in the Hospitality field.
What has been the most positive aspect of the J1 program for you? The entire program has been a positive, I love to watch them explore a new city and gain confidence. There is nothing more rewarding then that moment every morning when I read all of the positive guest comments about our J1’s. Perhaps, the only thing better is when they peak their heads into my office every day to say “thanks Mr. Marc.” The fact that they love what they do is always apparent.