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5 Ways to Up Your S’mores Game

The s’more is a traditional summer camp treat. S’mores are made with 3 ingredients: marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers. First, you’ll want to prepare your graham cracker and chocolate. Break a graham cracker into two equal pieces. Place a piece of chocolate on one of the graham crackers. Next, find the perfect marshmallow roasting stick. It should be around 1m long and relatively straight. The perfect thickness is roughly the size of your pinky finger. Place a marshmallow on the end of the stick and roast your ‘mallow over an open fire. Note: you may wish to whittle or file the end of your stick into a point for easier poking of the marshmallow. When your marshmallow is sufficiently roasted place it onto the graham cracker with the chocolate. Put the other graham cracker over the marshmallow and slide the stick out. Viola, you’ve made a s’more! Now check out these tips to up your s’mores game:


1.     The CinnaS’more – Swap your regular ol’ graham crackers for cinnamon dusted graham crackers. Squish your ‘mallow and chocolate between your Cinna grahams for an instantly elevated s’more.


2.     The Peanut Butter S’more – Instead of Hershey’s chocolate, try using one Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup smooshed with a marshmallow between two graham crackers. Lip smackin’ delicious.


3.     The Stuffed Smore – Try stuffing a piece of chocolate inside your marshmallow before roasting it on the fire. Make sure you push the chocolate well into the ‘mallow and prepare yourself for ooey gooey goodness.


4.     The Chocolate Covered Strawberry S’more – Trade your regular marshmallow for a strawberry flavored marshmallow. If you are so lucky as to find these special edition treats, roast your strawberry ‘mallow until golden brown. Squash between two graham crackers lined with chocolate.


5.     The S’mores Smash – Start by smashing your graham crackers in an oven safe dish or bowl. Mix with melted butter until crumbly. Top with a generous layer of mini marshmallows, then a layer of chocolate chips. Toast in the oven until chocolate is melted and marshmallows are soft. You may want a bib for this one…it gets messy!