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A Day at Camp As A Camp Counselor

Have you ever wondered what a typical day as a camp counselor is like? We’ve created a detailed sample schedule to help you envision daily life at camp.

7:30am – It’s wake up time! The bugle, which sounds a lot like a trumpet, plays revile, a short little song that’s become your alarm clock for the summer. You listen as the music echoes across the lake. Waking up isn’t so bad when you’re greeted by a lovely tune each morning.

7:45am – You bring your campers to the dining hall and sip a hot cup of coffee while the campers set the table.

8:00am – Breakfast! Today is French toast and breakfast sausage. Up at the salad bar there is fresh fruit, yogurt, granola, hot cocoa, and much more. You eat with your co-counselor and campers, making sure everyone is eating well and behaving at the table. Towards the end of the meal, you receive your schedule for the day. Your campers will go to their activities while you go to others, giving you the opportunity to interact with other campers and counselors throughout camp.

8:45am – You head back to your cabin to get ready for the day and tidy up your bed. Don’t forget your sunscreen. 

9:15am – First activity! Today it’s archery. You supervise the campers as they shoot, paying close attention to make sure all safety rules are being followed. You help the campers score their point after each round. You give them tips on how to hold the bow properly to increase their accuracy.

10:25am – Second activity! It’s arts & crafts and today you’re making duct tape wallets. The arts & crafts director demonstrates the process, and you assist the campers in making their wallets. You help them choose the coolest colors and designs.

11:25am – You and your campers enjoy free activity time near the dining hall. The campers set your table for lunch, and you help supervise different cabin groups with other counselors. Maybe you’ll start a game of Ninja, or play the piano inside the dining hall, or chat with a camper about the current book they are reading. You totally nerd out on Harry Potter.

12:00pm – Lunchtime! Today they are serving quesadillas with chips & salsa. You enjoy a glass of bug juice (like Kool-Aid or punch). The salad bar has fresh lettuce and veggies, fruit, cottage cheese, and refried beans. At the end of the meal the director asks if anyone has any announcements. Counselors stand up and present awards earned by campers at their activity periods. Everyone who earns an award gets a round of applause from the whole camp.

1:00pm – Rest hour. It’s time to go back to the cabin with your campers and get some rest. You might decide to read a book or write a letter home to tell everyone about how much fun you’re having at camp.

2:00pm – Time for your afternoon activities. First up is boating! You hop in a canoe with a camper and help them practice their paddle strokes. 

3:00pm – It’s your period off. You head to the counselor cabin to check your email and hang out with other counselors. You all chat about your day. You stop by the dining hall for an apple on your way to the next activity.

4:00pm – Time for swimming! You take up your post on the dock. As the lifeguard on duty, you supervise the campers in the water while the swimming director teaches them about the flutter kick.

5:00pm – It’s free choice period. You’ve signed up for soccer. You meet your group of campers, which is made up of kids from age 6 to 14. It’s a great group! How will you set the game up? Will you play a standard game? Will you do a shooting drill? Will you practice defense or play World Cup?

6:15pm – Dinner! And it’s your favorite, sweet and sour chicken with fried rice. Of course, the salad bar still has more fruit and veggie options. After dinner is a special dessert, it’s a camper’s birthday! The entire camp sings happy birthday. The camper blows out their candles and then they skip around the whole dining hall, dishing out high fives, smiling ear to ear.

7:15pm – Evening activity. Your cabin has decided to work on some 4th of July decorations for the upcoming parade! Everyone is in the holiday spirit picking out the best red, white, and blue outfits and decorations.

8:00pm – You take your campers back to the cabin. Time for showers and getting ready for bed. You make sure each camper has showered and brushed their teeth. At 8:45 everyone is settled in bed and patiently waiting for you to read the next chapter of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and it’s a really good chapter! You all decide you just have to read another one.

9:00pm – It’s lights out. You hop into your bed and reflect on your day. You think about what activities you’ll have tomorrow and how you can make them extra special and fun. You drift off to sleep dreaming of sunny days, ice cream sandwiches, and big, big smiles.