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Dear Future Participants,

All of our Intern/Trainee Participants are required to complete a Final Evaluation at the end of their program. One of our questions is "What advice would you give to Intern/Trainees who are considering the program or about to start their program?" World Wide Cultural Exchanges strives to create exceptional programs and provide outstanding support throughout the program; however, it's also equally important for participants to research the program, host employer, and host city, along with ensuring they are ready to be independent and responsible. We hope the advice below helps participants prepare for the program and work through any issues that arise during the program!


"If you're feeling of giving up, think of why you started. Smile!" - Gelie Mae Eviota


"My advice to the future Intern/Trainees is to prepare yourself mentally, physically and emotionally, it will not be easy, but it will be definitely worth it. Just cherish ever second of the program." - Roberto Lumactod


"Be patient, and strive to work hard. There's so much to learn outside of our comfort zones." - Cassielyn So


"Expect the unexpected." - Mandy Autida


"I just want them to face the challenges with a good attitude because it can lead them to their own success. Let yourself absorb everything you learn because it's just the start of your frutitful career." - Jonnah Mae Basilio


"Never get tired doing the right thing. Never give up on difficult things, because in every problems that we encounter there is always a way to fix it." - Kevin Pryce Miguel


"Just be yourself, and be confident." - Roxanne San Pedro


"Be focused and determined towards your training and get as much knowledge as you can." - Shoaib Alam


"Be honest, and be curious. Don't be afraid to ask." - Stephanie Rarela


WWCE's Engagement Coordinator's advice is "research, research, research before you come so you choose the program that's right for you and that you're the most excited about. Once you're here, wake up each day with the intention to learn something new about your career field or American culture."