EV Story: Tiffany Barrett

Contributed by Tiffany Barrett

I initially had just one main goal after being accepted for the J1 Program, this was to learn new culinary skills. Did I learn anything, yes I did and met so many interesting personalities and discovered new places I had only seen on the television. Didn’t assumed much about coming to America because it wasn’t my first time in the country.
However the reason for spending twelve long months in one country must had a meaningful purpose. I was a little scared when it came closer to my departure date and my family members asking if I was sure this is what I wanted to do. Obviously, this wasn’t even a question I replied in my head. I’ve worked in many kitchen under different attributes and departments. Being in a different country that is full of diversity can be overwhelming at times.

I did my training program at the famous River House & Raw Bar, the management team and service is Four (4) Star for me. I enjoyed my time learning the culture, techniques and enhances skills I had already. There were insistences when I had to put my skills to the test and demonstrate how effective training and dedication payoff when we had large functions. My training site was located in the heart of the city of Louisville, so almost as everyone who came in town would stopped by. The restaurant is seated on the edge of the Ohio River that boarders the state of Kentucky and Indiana. I wouldn’t trade my training site for anywhere.
I met some amazing people, who taught me so much and got to share my culture with as well. Bonds were formed that I’m sure will last a lifetime, the neighborhood that I lived in was very reserved and there wasn’t much to do. I went to the Louisville Zoo, that was an adventurous trip because I got to see a lot of exotic animals. I even traveled to New York, did some of the best sightseeing there. I am thrilled to share all that I’ve learned here with friends and family members when I get back home. Thanks for this experience, it will be remembered.

K.Leigh FurzerAPT