Exchange Day 2020

Exchange Day is a nationwide celebration of the power of international exchange. Traditionally, participants have come together to "eat, play, and give" -- to share cultural diversity and American customs, to give back to their communities, and to have some fun. As it is not possible to hold in person events this year, Exchange Day moved online to celebrate and share the power of exchanges virtually. Exchange Day is an opportunity to raise awareness of international exchange programs and spread the word about the positive impact and breadth of exchange programs. We additionally shared ideas for our participants to connect and give back to their community, virtually or with minimal contact.



Post a J1 throwback on social media. Caption the photo with the name of your exchange program, the location where the photo was taken, and the year you did your program. Make sure to end your post with the following hashtags:

#CelebrateExchangeDay #SaveJ1 #ExchangesImpact #WWCEUSA

Share a photo and happy memory from your program with WWCE here.

On August 3rd, engage with WWCE on Facebook and Instagram to share your positive experiences.

Have a virtual coffee date with a friend who has never been to the USA and share your positive experience.


Sign petitions you believe in on (like this Save J1 Petition)

Write to the White House and Congress to oppose the suspension of Exchange Visitor Programs.


Drop off a contactless food donation at a local charity.

Let your manager know how they’ve positively impacted your experience in the USA.

Write a ‘thank you’ card for essential workers in your community.

Play free English vocabulary games and win grains of rice for the United Nations World Food Programme

Write an online review for a local business in your community.

Give a complement to your co-worker.

Pick up any litter you find on your way to work.

Take a look back at past World Wide Cultural Exchange Exchange Days.

Exchange Day 2019

Exchange Day 2018

Exchange Day 2017 - Orlando

Exchange Day 2017 - Louisville

Exchange Day 2017 - Santa Monica