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How to Prepare for Your First Summer at Camp

Your summer at camp is fast approaching! Here are our tips for how to prepare for your weeks spent in the sun.

Get ready for all the nature. American summer camps are typically situated in rural areas surrounded by the beauty of the natural environment. Throughout the summer you’ll become very familiar with the local flora and fauna. You’ll be surrounded by lakes, mountains, trees, birds, bugs, and maybe even some deer or bears! Embrace this opportunity to become closer to the natural environment, and don’t worry about getting sand in your shoes, no one is ever really clean at camp anyways.

Be excited to be unplugged. Camp is all about living in the moment. Many camps have a no electronics policy. In this day and age, where information and distraction are at our fingertips 24/7, it’s important to remember the importance of being able to unplug and take a break from technology and the web. At camp, you’ll be so busy with activities you won’t have time to check your Instagram feed. While most areas throughout camp will be an internet free zone, many camps will have a designated area with WIFI available during your time off so you can keep in touch with friends and family back home.

Camp food, it’s for the kids! One of the perks of being a camp counselor is that room and board are included in your contract. That’s 3 free square meals a day! The kitchen staff at camp work hard to keep anywhere from 100-500 people well fed every single day. So, no, you may not be eating a 5-star dish every meal, but you will be getting enough food to fuel you throughout busy days at camp. Hot tip: Take advantage of the salad bar and many kitchen crews appreciate any suggestions you’d like to give. Remember that this is free food being provided to you, and although it may not be what you are used to, try to keep an open mind, and embrace all the carbs, cheese, chicken nuggets, and cookies that you can.

Camp is not your typical 9 to 5. Working as a counselor is more of a lifestyle than a job. You’ll wake up at 7:30am and all day will be go go go until bedtime at 9:00pm. Being a counselor is hard work, and you’ll always have to be ready to jump in to help out whenever you can. But it’s also REALLY FUN work. Not everyone gets paid to have a water balloon fight or go puddle jumping. You won’t be working typical hours, but you’ll have so many moments that you can sit back and say “Wow, I’m getting paid to eat dinner right now.” Make sure you use your time off wisely because you’ll need the rest and recouperation to keep the fun going.

Check your local weather. Climate in the US varies greatly depending on geographical location. Make sure you to look up the average local weather patterns for where your camp is located. Keep in mind that in many areas of the US during the summer even though the days will be hot, the nights will be cold. Make sure that you pack accordingly.