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April 2023 MVP - Yui Akabane

April’s Most Valuable Participant is Yui Akabane, a business management trainee at Tony Aloha Marketing in Hawaii. We selected Yui as this month’s MVP because she participated in a Kaimuki Cleanup. Kaimuki’s stream directly leads to the ocean, so collecting litter around the area is important for the health of both the local area and the ocean. Our participants are important members of their community, and we love to see initiative in volunteering! As a prize, we have awarded Yui a gift card to the Rainbow Drive-In, an eatery enjoyed by both locals and tourists.

Yui’s manager, Yukiko, shared the following:

Ms Akabane is very smart and hard worker.

She has been always motivated since the very big fining of the training and she is very active in participating in the cultural activities as well.

She learns new tasks very quickly and she notices even small things and ask questions actively.

Fun Fact About You: I always loved jewelry since I was child. I had a passion for jewelry when I lived in Japan, and I realize that i still continue the passion for jewelry even after I moved here.

Please tell us about the community clean-up you did.

My yoga teacher told me about this clean up event. I feel like I wanted to contribute to Hawai'i.

What made you want to participate in the exchange visitor program?

I wanted to develop my career in Japan so I need to more another experience. I would like to manage a retail store targeting inbound customers while making the most of the career that I have developed so far.

What are the most valuable things you have learned while on the internship program?

I'm learning inventory control, report to figure out the optimal sale strategies, practice the concept of minimize expense and maximize future sale

What are your career goals and how do you think an American internship will benefit you in your future career?

I need to participate in this training and acquire skill and experience in order to create a store that can welcome inbound customers from all over the world.

What are your top three recommendations for places to visit/things to do in Honolulu?

Hike Koko Head, visit the North Shore, and surf.